Framework partnership agreement with ACF

In recent years, CartONG and Action Contre la Faim (ACF) have frequently interacted both in the field and through technical exchanges of best practices as well as through projects carried out by one or the other organization.
In particular, CartONG has recently supported several ACF projects in terms of information management, whether through the deployment of experts in the field (on nutrition projects in Afghanistan in 2018 for example), via training sessions (GIS training in Dakar in 2018 for instance), the design of data visualization products (production of maps for ACF’s mission in France in 2020) or through remote support (support for the RESILAC project over the 2019-2021 period, mobile data collection hotline in Nepal, etc.).

Action Contre la Faim is also an active partner of the “Strengthening Information Management within Francophone CSOs” project led by CartONG and co-funded by the French Development Agency, and a historical member of the Community of Practice in Information Management that CratONG has been leading now for over 5 years.
We are therefore very pleased to announce that this collaboration reaches a new stage with the signature of a partnership agreement between CartONG and Action Contre la Faim for the 2020-2023 period.
This partnership agreement details the general principles of collaboration between our two organizations around common goals and mutual commitments as well as more operational aspects. In particular, it aims to develop the use of cartographic products within Action Contre la Faim by making CartONG’s mapping service available to ACF’s operations. In particular, our team of cartographers will be able to provide emergency support to ACF in the event of a humanitarian crisis, in what is called “a rush mode response” as we can already do for other partners such as MSF or ACAPS. More generally, this partnership also aims to provide ACF’s teams with better support in the area of program data management (or Information Management), either through capacity building for their teams or strategic advice and support.
This 3-year partnership agreement is a perfect illustration of one of CartONG’s core values, which is to promote collaboration within the humanitarian and development sector, whether between support organizations (also called H2H – humanitarians to humanitarians), as with MapAction earlier this year, or with operational NGOs, as it is already the case with, for example, Solidarités International, Terres des hommes and Max Havelaar France.