Strengthening program data management

In the last 3 years, as part of the Strengthening program data management within Francophone CSOs initiative, we have released more than 100 resources. These resources aim at supporting CSOs - be they international or locally based - improve their understanding and practices related to data management.

Here is a quick overview, a more detailed overview is available here in French. In a short video below, we are also sharing the key achievements of the project, as well as some feedback from the sector and some insight into what is coming next.

5 structuring resources on program data management

4 software comparison studies

One unique entry point concerning sector resources on program data, called the IM Resource Portal

and its associated regular tech watch. The portal serves as a go-to place for aid actors who wish to build their program data management capacity and knowledge, in French or English. It hosts a library of resources, but also blog posts and information about upcoming events.

The content of the Learning Corner: easy-to-use toolboxes, tools and training materials designed for field practitioners, with a focus on the topics of highest interest for CSOs, such as, for instance, data analysis in Excel, basic GIS and data visualization.

The francophone community of practice exchange sessions, which has helped built a space for discussion, learning and problem solving amongst French CSOs:

  • Feedback notes in French from the 6 exchange days organized during the project – see the global overview of resources for the links in question
  • Awareness raising sessions on various topics in French – see this playlist on our YouTube channel, which also includes a couple of testimonies from English-speaking CSOs.

An evaluation of this phase of the project has been published on our website (in French only) and you can access an overview of its findings by watching the recording of this keynote address that took place in October 2022 at the GeOnG Forum.

And much more if you plunge into the toolboxes! Don’t hesitate to reach out by email to learn more about our work, and/or to get involved in the new upcoming phase of this project.