A new project to raise youth awareness of the SDGs

“This project builds on an already existing effort at CartONG, which aims at offering collaborative mapping activities. This is an opportunity for CartONG, which has been imagining and designing for several years activities for Education for Citizenship and International Solidarity (ECSI) in addition to the mapathons! A direction that we have been developing for the past few years, notably with the EducAura project, objective 2030 (implemented in partnership with the association of popular education Les Petits Débrouillards and supported by Frame Voice Report) and recently, our contribution to the Activ’ECSI project with the ‘Fabrique du Vivre Ensemble’“, underlines Manon Viou, CartODD Project Manager.
CartODD is part of the European Mindchangers initiative led by RESACOOP in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

A project built by and for the youth!
The project will be jointly developed with a team of 6 young volunteers from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. We are therefore looking for volunteers interested in becoming the main actors of this innovative project!
The team will also be completed by a young civic service from Francophone Africa, member of an OpenStreetMap community, who will join CartONG thanks to the “Service Civique en Réciprocité” program. This opportunity, a first for CartONG, allows us to welcome in France people from other countries and to contribute to re-establish a balance in the exchanges, the actors and the host countries.
Thanks to the exchanges between young people from different regions of the world, the discussions will be even more enriching for the participants in order to develop ideas for effective collaboration to contribute to the SDGs.
Building on CartONG’s 8+ years of experience in implementing participatory mapping projects, this team will design new activities and materials that use mapping to raise awareness about climate change, gender inequality and the living conditions of displaced populations.
What are the next steps?
From April to the fall, at least a hundred young people will participate in workshops led by the CartODD volunteer team, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and online. Through games, map exhibitions, interviews, mapathons and mapping workshops, the project will facilitate the emergence of debates between young audiences, broaden their understanding of the key challenges of their generation and help them discover different ways to take action!
We will keep you informed of the activities that our volunteers will organize in our newsletter or on our social networks!
This initiative is part of Mindchangers’ project. This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union, through RESACOOP within Mindchangers – Regions and youth for Planet and People. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CartONG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.