Who we are
CartONG is a French-based international non-governmental organization (NGO) specialized in mapping and data management for humanitarian aid and international development.
Our activity

We help our partners to improve their organizational strategies, better their field operations, and strengthen their capacities throughout the entire Information Management cycle: data collection, structure, storage, analysis, and visualization. Drawing on over 15 years of experience in field and head office support for a wide range of organizations, our intervention methodology is based first and foremost on needs analysis. This enables us to propose sustainable solutions that can be easily used by our partners, whatever their sector or area of intervention. Our solutions are tool-agnostic, respecting the principles of responsible data management and Agile implementation adapted to different humanitarian or development contexts.
Our team combines advanced technical skills in mapping, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Mobile Data Collection (MDC), and data processing. We master key Information Management transversal topics, the Agile methodology, Open Data, responsible data management, participatory and subjective mapping.
Our mission
Assist humanitarian actors, development organizations, and public institutions in improving the quality, accountability, and efficiency of their activities by leveraging geographical and non-geographical data.
Our vision
We are convinced that high-quality, well-used data is the key to tailored and sustainable interventions.
Our values
We put the dignity of individuals and populations at the heart of our choices and actions, respecting their rights and the principles of economic, ecological, and social justice.
Going the extra mile, we aim for the highest technical quality yet seek pragmatic solutions.
An integral part of our DNA, our team is continually looking for ways of innovating and adapting itself to each context and request.
Thanks to its structure and continuous transfer of skills, our approach is designed to empower its own members as well as our partners. Our greatest achievement: your autonomy.
At all stages of our projects, in the spirit of transparency and sharing, we aim to involve each and every stakeholder.
CartONG is a community nurturing mutual support, new relationships, and individual fulfillment. We look out for one another, valuing our cultural diversity.
Our approach
Tailored support
We put a strong emphasis on the collaboration with our partners and the solutions we offer are always tailor-made, adapted to their needs and the end-user’s skills, so that they can achieve the autonomy they desire. The attention we pay to the end-user and the quality of our support help ensure the sustainability of your actions.
We are tool agnostics. This allows us to advise our partners by directing them, without bias, toward the most appropriate tools. From low-tech, ready-to-use solutions to the most advanced tools, our experts are up-to-date on the most recent technical advancements in their areas of expertise and will advise on the best available options for your context.
Responsible data management
We promote a responsible approach to data management and advocate for it among all stakeholders involved in our projects, to ensure people’s rights to consent, privacy, security and ownership.
Open data
We actively promote data sharing and opening (Open Data). We use as much as possible open source data such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) and integrate the data produced within the framework of our projects into OSM so that they are accessible, reusable, and easy to update.
Our governance
CartONG’s governance reflects the association’s values, the team’s desire for collective intelligence, and guarantees operational efficiency in the support to our partners. To achieve this, our governance relies on:
- A volunteer Board, elected by the Annual General Meeting. Its role is to set the association’s major orientations, ensure its smooth running and guarantee the best use of the resources entrusted to it.
- A collegial strategic coordination body of 4 members (CCT) elected for a two-year term by and from the entire team. Its role is to represent the teams in decisions affecting the organization’s operational strategy, internal organization and governance.
- A Co-Direction, responsible for implementing the organization’s operational strategy, co-constructed with the teams and the CCT, as well as for the association’s operational and financial management.
- The teams, involved in strategic decision-making and the internal organization of the association.