Maps from here & abroad
In July 2020, CartONG announced the start of a new two-year phase for the Maps from here and abroad project.

In July 2020, CartONG announced the start of a new two-year phase for the Maps from here and abroad project.
Between December 2021 and July 2022, CartONG supported Terre des hommes (Tdh) to develop a new FACET tool, called FACET…
After a first collaboration between July 2020 and January 2021, then between July 2021 and December 2022, Expertise France asked…
From mid-April to mid-June 2022, CartONG deployed, in turn, two geographic information systems (GIS) specialists as part of the support…
Between June 2021 and June 2022, CartONG and Groupe URD joined forces to support Sidaction in the co-construction of a…
Thanks to the support of the European Union through the Erasmus+ program called "Small-scale partnerships in adult education", CartONG is…
In December 2019, CartONG launched with 10 partners a 3-year project co-funded by the French Development Agency (AFD) dedicated to…
In October 2021, CartONG engaged in its first ever partnership with the Crisis and Support Center (CDCS) of the French…